Monday, October 12, 2015

Watch Out - She's Hitting the Road!!

Thanks to a kind neighbor Veda has received not one but two new modes of transportation!  I gave them a wash (spiderwebs, shudder) and they are ready for the road. The car could use a fresh coat of paint - luckily I know someone handy with a spray can.  You up for some refinishing on your next visit Nea? The tricycle doesn't need a thing, just for Veda to get the hang of steering!  She rode up and down the sidewalk a bit, learning her boundaries, and oh yes, Jovi was out there with us too!  Can't leave her behind, she loves to be on the move in her slings!  Oh yes, and notice Veda's hair.  She wanted five ponytails today, so five is what she got!


  1. A fresh coat of some Poppy colored paint and some black racing stripes on a new tan roof? Yesssssssss.

    1. I knew you were the right person for the job!
