I am reviewing these as a series because sometimes the way a series progresses can make you really happy you decided to read it. But if it goes wrong you can be contemplating the next book while regretting all the time spent to get there because halfway through the series it all went wrong. So I will discuss the series as a whole. As usual, if you are looking for a synopsis, look elsewhere. These are just broad thoughts.
Book 1 - On the Edge
This book was easily the best book in the series for me. It was an urban fantasy modern fairy tale that hit on all the right notes. The characters were well thought out, and each had their own conflicts, and at the end of the book I couldn't wait to hear about the next adventure. The realm that is created in this series is very fun, which makes the 4 book commitment worthwhile in my opinion.
Book 2 - Bayou Moon
This book started as a bit of a letdown because I really wanted to just keep following Rose and family from Book 1, and while the characters throughout the remainder of the series are somewhat related to each other, each book chooses its own hero. Once over the initial disappointment I happily jumped right into the story of the Mar family. There are a lot of people to keep track on in this book - so if that is something that sometimes messes with you, I would recommend keeping a cheat sheet.
Book 3 - Fate's Edge
Ok, I originally just reviewed this as weak. Really, weak. And it was. The ending was so contrived, and I didn't believe in their love story at all. It was clear that they were made for each other, I just needed a bit more to believe that they really overcame their personal issues to accept the love from each other. I really didn't like this book at all. The whole staring at her butt, and over the top physical attraction was really off putting as well as her whole I'll kiss him and like it but then I'll slap him for overstepping attitude was very crass. This is what perpetuates the idea that women don't mean no when they say it.
Book 4 - Steel's Edge
This book gave a strong enough ending for me to forgive Book 3 - ALTHOUGH the one complaint I had was that the love story reminded me too much of 3 and therefore didn't feel original. There was just too much "Could she/he really love me after seeing me because I don't think I am deserving." The book more then makes up for it though with a solid plot line, and a great conclusion. So many loose ends were tied up in ways that made me smile that in the end I very much enjoyed this book.
Would I recommend the series? If you like creative fantasy and you have some time on your hands - definitely. If this isn't your genre to begin with, these aren't books I would start with. There are better options out there.
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